(※引用元はFTDNA - D-haplogroupのactivity-feedより)
※上記サイトの原文は英語ですがGoogle Chromeで閲覧すると日本語で表示されます。
2013年12月2日の記事で、アラスカの原住民(Alaskan native Sugpiaq)からY染色体D系統が検出されていることを書きました(出典は「23andMe」)が、今回、FTDNAのD-haplogroupのactivity-feedで、カナダのインディオ ("American Indians" in Canada)の中からY染色体D系統が検出されていることが書かれていました。「23andMe」の時とは別人で、今度はもっと詳しく【D-F1070】であるとのこと。
ちなみにこのSNP【D-F1070】は、レイモンド・バンクス氏の試作の枝によればD1a1a2 (D-F1070)とのこと。
My father's paternity is unknown. His Y-DNA haplogroup is D-F1070 (as is mine). We grew up identifying as First Nations ("American Indians" in Canada). We are from near the city of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Is our Y-DNA First Nations or Asian??? My dad is 78 and is eager to find out who is father could have possibly been.
My haplgrogroup is D-F1070 too but my ancestry is Southern Chinese. I have been participating in the odd Clade tests as requested by this group's administrators and from what I know, D-F1070 is southern Chinese and perhaps Central Asian( someone can correct me if I am wrong). It has always been assumed that Haplogroup D never made it across the Bering sea during the Native American migrations to the Americas. So my uneducated guess would be perhaps 1) you are proof that Haplogroup D did make it to the Americas, 2) you have southern Chinese ancestry you are not aware of, 3) there has been a mistake at the labs :-) sorry I cannot be of any further help as I'm not a geneticist or an anthropologist. Correction I do not know if D-F1070 is "southern Chinese" but it may be southern China, South Western China or south of China of origin.
Wow, XXXX! That is a lot to consider! Thank you for responding.