★フィリピン・セブ島のDであるMartin Doroy氏についての記事。(2012.5.12)
私は唯一のDはチベットで、そして日本では、インドのアンダマン諸島で高頻度で発生について読んで思い出した、さらなる研究を行った後、私は、遺物の分布で、ハプログループDは比較的まれであることを学びました、とのみ発生でアンダマン島民(インドのベンガル、東湾の-インドよりもビルマへ実際に近い-どこかに50?70%の頻度でD *付き)でチベット人(約50%でD1とD3の組み合わせ)で日本(一般的には35%、そしてアイヌでより高い約85%D2付き)、特にチベット・ビルマのスピーカー間の本土東南アジアと東アジアの他の部分に小さな割合、(などの媒体において強 30%D1で) 、モン・ミエン別名ミャオ・ヤオ(など八尾約10%でD1を含む)、およびDaic別名泰カダイ諸語の言語(例えばタイの 10%のD *付き)、南部中央アジアの小さな割合で(主にD3として)モンゴル、Altaians、カザフ、ウズベク人との間で、そして太平洋諸島の小さなまたは小さな割合(D *)、などなどでグアム。
そのグアムは17%で、D *を研究論文に記載されているが、これはテストした6人のうち、肯定的な結果に一人だった。であることに注意してくださいハプログループDの個体が存在する領域が最初に彼らの変位を反映して、山岳や海洋になりがち氷河の氷、その後拡大の新石器時代の集団は、より肥沃な地域からそれらを避難。彼らはより多くの遠隔地を活用するために自主的かつ日和見移動するかどうか、新石器時代の人口はますます縮小し、複数のリモート・領土にそれらをプッシュするかどうか、またはそれらは単に肥沃な地域では新石器時代の人々の膨大な数で上回ったかどうか、推測に開放されています。それはおそらく、リモート、断片化されたディストリビューションと縮小数字につながった要因の組み合わせだった。
D * - SNP M174 -通常、アンダマン諸島民、よりspecificaly、JarawaとOnge人でD1 - SNP M15 -一般的にチベット人とチベット・ビルマ語を話す人近くもの。おそらく東南アジアの起源と約5000年前に東からチベットに移行。SNP N1は D1aは定義されています。
D2 - SNP M64.1 -の起源、特にアイヌと琉球の間で、日本ではほぼ独占的に発生します。SNP M116.1は。D2aと定義SNP -
D3 P99 -一般的にチベット人とチベット・ビルマ語を話す人々の近くに。約11,000年前に起きたか、チベットに移行。SNP P47は。D3Aを定義ハプログループDは、古代のハプログループである、それはYAP + 50,000?約60,000年前に、他のハプログループで見つかった。
しかし不思議なことにインドではございません、移行のこの最初の大きな波(または波)として知られている素晴らしい海岸移行または沿岸エクスプレス。ハプログループ-D太平洋諸島はparagroup D(D *)アンダマン諸島民とに属します。subcladesのD1、D2、およびD3が分岐する前に、これは、最古の分岐である。私が記述した研究論文を見つけることができませんでしたどの太平洋諸島が*とD *グアムで16.60パーセントを示す1紙以外の何周波数でDを持っています。(繰り返しますが、これはテストした6人の*外にDをテストしました一人だけだったことに注意してください)
私はD paragroupにアンダマン諸島付近クラスタ太平洋島民を示す画像ではなくのそれ以上の言及を持つ別の研究論文を見つけたこれらの太平洋諸島であったか、彼らはどこに住んで。
サイドノートでは、私はマーティンは、1つまたは複数を持っていると思うRecLOHs:DYS385 15-15 DYS459 9-9 DYS464 16-16-17-17 YCAII 21-21 私はY-STR DNA-FPパネル5回文が彼RecLOHsに深く見て、何かを理解するために、好奇心の外にパック注文した起こっている。現在、私の婚約者と私はSNPのためのマーティンテストしているM174をハプログループDを確認するために、我々はまた、テストしているM15、M64.1、およびP99を彼はsubcladesのD1、D2、またはそれぞれD3、に属するかどうかを確認する。(各subcladeに関連する他のSNPがあります。
私が記載されているものは、あなたがFTDNAでテストすることができ、それらの間にある。)内の任意の日系の証拠がないとして、我々の予測は、彼が戻ってどちらかのD *またはD1/D3が来るということです彼の家族。
さらに、彼はたくさんのD2のエントリがありますYsearch上の誰もが一致しません。彼の最も近いマッチは12マーカーレベル7のGDです。マーティンと彼の家族はマクタン島に住んでいます。これは、マクタン・セブ国際空港に近く、マゼランが1521年に彼の最後に会ったラプラプ近くセブシティーのIbabaoコルドバセクションにあります。彼らは、にまでさかのぼる、彼らが思い出すことができるようにするための先祖のすべてが、同じ一般的な地域から来たことを教えてください。誰が知っている?IbabaoコルドバよりハプログループDの人があるかもしれません。あなたがいる場合はD *や、ある誰かを知っている、またはあなたがフィリピン人であり、あなたの姓がDOROYであれば、私に連絡してください。ありがとうございました!(以下略)
Upon returning from a trip to meet my fiancee and her family in Cebu City, Philippines, I felt compelled to test her father Martin's DNA and asked his permission to do the testing. I was expecting haplogroup O3 or O1, or possibly K or C. For about the first 5 days after the STR results came in, FTDNA could not determine the haplogroup, and his only match, at 12 markers, was one man in Guam who is haplogroup D, plus two unnamed haplogroup-D men from Philippines who he matched in the Haplogroup Origins section. I ran his STR set through Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor (which doesn't include D) and it predicted E1b1b. Since D and E have the common ancestor DE, and since E doesn't occur in Southeast Asia, this seemed to suggest D for Martin. Sure enough, after about 5 days, FTDNA predicted that he belongs to haplogroup D. I was quite baffled, as I had never heard of haplogroup D having any relation to the Philippines. I only remembered reading about D occurring at high frequency in the Andaman Islands of India, in Tibet, and in Japan.
After doing further research, I learned that haplogroup D is relatively rare, with a relic distribution, and only occurs:
In Andaman Islanders (in the Bay of Bengal, east of India - actually closer to Burma than to India - with D* at a frequency somewhere between 50 and 70%),
In Tibetans (with combination of D1 and D3 at about 50%),
In Japanese (with D2 about 35% in general, and higher than 85% in Ainu),
In medium to small percentages in other parts of mainland Southeast and East Asia, especially among speakers of Tibeto-Burman (such as Qiang with D1 at 30%), Hmong-Mien aka Miao-Yao (such as Yao with D1 at about 10%), and Daic aka Tai-Kadai languages (such as Thai with D* at 10%),
In tiny percentages in southern Central Asia (primarily as D3) among Mongolians, Altaians, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks,
and in small or tiny percentages of Pacific Islanders (as D*), such as Guam. Note that Guam is listed in a research paper with D* at 17%, but this was one person with a positive result out of six persons tested.
The areas where haplogroup D populations exist tend to be mountainous or oceanic, reflecting their displacement as first glacial ice, and then expanding Neolithic populations, displaced them from more fertile areas. Whether they moved voluntarily and opportunistically to exploit the more remote areas, whether Neolithic populations pushed them into ever-shrinking and more remote territory, or whether they were simply outnumbered by the sheer number of Neolithic people in fertile areas, is open to conjecture. It was probably a combination of factors that led to their remote, fragmented distribution and shrinking numbers.
Where D is found at high frequencies:
D* - SNP M174 - typically Andamanese; more specificaly, in the Jarawa and Onge people.
D1 - SNP M15 - typically Tibetans and those nearby who speak a Tibeto-Burman language. Probably originated in Southeast Asia and migrated into Tibet from the east about 5000 years ago. SNP N1 defines D1a.
D2 - SNP M64.1 - originated in and occurs almost exclusively in Japan, especially among Ainus and Ryukyuans. SNP M116.1 defines D2a.
D3 - SNP P99 - typically Tibetans and those nearby who speak a Tibeto-Burman language. Originated in or migrated into Tibet about 11,000 years ago. SNP P47 defines D3a.
Haplogroup D is an ancient haplogroup, descended from DE with which it shares the YAP+ marker not found in any other haplogroups, and probably originated in South Asia about 60,000 to 50,000 years ago.
According to the Genographic Project,
Haplogroup D may have accompanied another group, the Coastal Clan (haplogroup C) on the first major wave of migration out of Africa about 50,000 years ago. Taking advantage of the plentiful seaside resources, these intrepid explorers followed the coastline of Africa through the southern Arabian Peninsula, India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Alternatively, they may have made the trek at a later time, following in the footsteps of the Coastal Clan. Pockets of these ancestors still live along this ancient route, particularly in Southeast Asia and the Andaman Islands
, though curiously not in India.
This first major wave (or waves) of migration are known as the Great Coastal Migration or the Coastal Express.
The haplogroup-D Pacific Islanders belong to paragroup D (D*) with the Andamanese. This is the oldest branch, before the subclades D1, D2, and D3 branched off. I haven't been able to find a research paper describing which Pacific Islanders have D* and at what frequency, other than one paper showing 16.60% D* in Guam. (Again, note that this was only ONE person who tested D* out of 6 persons tested.) I did find another research paper with an image showing Pacific Ocean Islanders clustered near Andaman Islanders in the D paragroup, but with no further mention of who these Pacific Islanders were or where they resided. I'm thinking that the frequency is generally low since there is not even any mention of haplogroup D on Wikipedia's Y-DNA haplogroups in Oceanian populations page.
The D man from Guam who matched Martin 12/12, and 4 steps away at 25, has Chamorro ancestors, according to his daughter who contacted me.
Martin also matches one man in Luzon, Philippines on YHRD.org at 7 loci (no matches at more than 7 loci).
On a side note, I think Martin has one or more RecLOHs:
DYS385 15-15
DYS459 9-9
DYS464 16-16-17-17
YCAII 21-21
I've ordered Y-STR DNA-FP Panel 5 Palindromic Pack out of curiosity, to look deeper into his RecLOHs and understand what is going on.
Currently my fiancee and I are testing Martin for SNP M174 to confirm haplogroup D. We are also testing M15, M64.1, and P99 to see if he belongs to subclades D1, D2, or D3, respectively. (There are other SNPs associated with each subclade. The ones I listed are among those you can test at FTDNA.) Our prediction is that he will come back either D* or D1/D3, as there is no evidence of any Japanese ancestry in his family. Furthermore, he doesn't match anyone on Ysearch where there are plenty of D2 entries. His closest matches are GD of 7 at the 12 marker level.
Martin and his family live on Mactan Island. This is in the Ibabao Cordova section of Cebu City, near Mactan-Cebu International Airport and near Lapu Lapu where Magellan met his end in 1521. They tell me that all of their ancestors, for as far back as they can remember, came from the same general area. Who knows? There could be more haplogroup D men in Ibabao Cordova.
If you are D* or you know someone who is, or if you are Filipino and your last name is DOROY, please contact me. Thank you!