朕深く、世界の大勢と帝國の現状とに鑑み、非常の措置を以て、時局を収拾せむと欲し、茲に忠良なる爾臣民に告く。朕は、帝國政府をして、米英支蘇 四國に對し、其の共同宣言を受諾する旨、通告せしめたり。
抑々(そもそも)、帝國臣民の康寧を圖り、萬邦共榮の樂を偕にするは、皇祖皇宗の遣範にして、朕の拳々措かさる所、曩(さき)に米英二國に宣戦せる所以も亦、實に帝國の自存と、東亜の安定とを庶幾するに出て、他國の主權を排し、領土を侵かす如きは、固より朕か志にあらす。然るに、交戰巳に四歳を閲し、朕か陸海将兵の勇戰、朕か百僚有司の勵精、朕か一億衆庶の奉公、各々最善を盡せるに拘らす、戰局必すしも好轉せす、世界の大勢、亦、我に利あらす、加之(しかのみならず)、敵は新に残虐なる爆彈を使用して、頻に無辜を殺傷し、惨害の及ふ所、眞に測るへからさるに至る。而も 尚、交戰を繼續せむか。終に我か民族の滅亡を招來するのみならす、延て人類の文明をも破却すへし。斯の如くむは、朕、何を以てか億兆の赤子を保し、皇祖皇宗の神靈に謝せむや。是れ、朕か帝國政府をして、共同宣言に應せしむるに至れる所以なり。
朕は茲に、國體を護持し得て、忠良なる爾臣民の赤誠に信倚し、常に爾臣民と共に在り。若し夫れ、情の激する所、濫に事端を滋くし、或は同胞排儕、互に時局を亂り、為に大道を誤り 信義を世界に失ふか如きは、朕、最も之を戒む。
We hereby tell you, Our good and loyal subjects, that We have taken an extraordinary measure to patch things up in deep consideration of the general tendency of the world and present state affairs in the Japanese Empire.
We have directed Our Imperial Government to make to the four powers of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a notification of the acceptance of their joint declaration
To begin with, it is ideals handed down by Our Imperial Ancestors, to which We always cling, to secure peace for Our subjects and to share mutual prosperity with all nations. The previous declaration on war against both the countries of America and Great Britain, in fact, stems from Our sencere yen for the self-existence of the Empire and the stability of East Asia. It is in no wise Our intention to violate the sovereinty and territory of other states. Since them a matter of four years have flashed by. But the tide of the war does not necessarily change for the better although the officers and men of Our army and navy have fought bravely to the best of their ability, Our civil servants have performed their duties as hard as possible, and Our rabble have rendered their services to the Empire as much as they can. The international situation also gangs(goes) against Nippon. In addition, the enemy has used a couple of new cruel bombs to kill and wound innocent citizens. Damage incurred by them is indeed immeasurable. In the end engagements would not only invite the extinction of Our race but also destroy human civilizations. In that case, how can We protect a hundred million of the crowd and apologize the holy sprits of Our Imperial Ancestors? This is the reason why We have given an order that Our Imperial Government agree the said joint declaration.
We cannot help but express Our heartfelt regret to Our allies that have from start to finish liberated East Asia in concert with the Empire. When Our subject who were killed on the battlefield and died in harness or by violence, and their bereaved families are called to mind, Our cor(heart) is torn. Besides the welfare of invalids and war victima, including the jobless, is Our serious anxiety. Needless to say, trials to be faced by the Empire hereafter will be unusual, and it is necessary to fancy the bottom of your ticker(heart); nevertheless, We long to pursue serenity in the interest of all ages to come by bearing the unbearable, to wit, by creeping under antagonists' gams(legs) according to a turn of Fortune's wheel.
We hereby make efforts to defend and maintain the National Essence along with you, Oor good and loyal subjects, on whose sencerity We figure. If people sow the seeds of discord unreasonably in a towering rage, or brethren ostracize each other in view of a difference of opinion, international fidelty and justice are lost. This is Our most warning. You are expected to transmit the lowdown to posterity, to believe the immortality of the sacramental land firmly, to devote all your energies to the construction of future, recalling a heavy responsibility and long path, to think much of morality, to hold to your principles and to display the flower of imperialism under oath so as not to hang behind the progress of the world. We hunger for you to act in pursuance of Our wish.
The Imperial Signature(Hirohito) with the Privy Seal.
The fourteenth day of the eighth month, the twentieth year of Showa(1945).